
I don't often get sick (my perspective - she would disagree), but when I do Shijie pampers me like a small puppy. So when I came down with a cold at the end of this week, I wasn't surprised when she insisted on coming to "rescue" me in Tucson over me going to Phoenix for the weekend. While not exactly strict, she demands a thorough course of action, and only she can see that I perform all of them.

Her checklist for a sick Blake:
- Copious amounts of Vitamin C, juice and water
- Hour-long naps every 3 hours
- Herbal tea (each from some part of mainland China) every hour
- Soup for virtually every meal
- Hot baths before bed

Between these activities she chides that perhaps I should be on Rosetta Stone studying Chinese - while she works through Saturday on her legal briefs for the court.

But as I said above, she is not exactly strict. I often settle for either reading Sci-Fi, dreaming up designs for shirts or videos, or watching a TV series with her. And in the end, although she thinks she is taking care of me, I really think I'm taking care of her by distracting her from work over the weekend.

Of course it is at her insistance that I write a blog post, so perhaps I am the trained puppy after all.

(Food Therapy: There is nothing a good Korean BBQ can't cure.)


Blake and I met three years ago, on August 28th, 2009.

I didn't drive at that time. He drove.

Knuckles hit his first 50K mark on August 30th, 2012.

Blake didn't drive this time. I did.

It has been an incredible journey with the lovely person who taught me how to drive, and the car that makes me smile.

Both of you made me do parallel-parking, brought me to a dentist, and watched me closely on the highway.

Both told me not to worry, and held my hand when I was shaky.

You two never judge and call me a bad driver. You are patient and loving.

Knuckles, Buckles, Blake and I are one family!

When I noticed years ago that Blake always keeps Buckles spotlessly clean, feeds her with the best gas, and cries a little bit inside whenever she got scratched, hurt, or dented, I had a feeling that he will also take very good care of me, just like the way he treats Buckles.

A man who loves his car loves his woman. A woman who loves her man loves his car.

I fantasize Knuckles and Buckles are this cute married car-couple, purring happily down the aisle, and snuggling side-by-side in their reserved parking spots.

Why wouldn't they? They love each other so much, and miss each other so dearly.

Thank you Knuckles, for keeping me in good company on the road.

Thank you babe, for giving me the courage to do what I fear so that I can do what I love.