Blake went along with the dragon theme and revealed the first of my Christmas gifts during my finals, The Girl with The Dragon Tatoo. I finished the book and then watched the David Finch movie. Both were good, not great. It has such a dark and twisty storyline, and I had nightmares afterwards. I always prefer good stories with a brighter outlook.
On our way home, I finished The Hunger Games. That's what I call an easy read. I actually enjoyed the pace of a cliche I-am-oh-so-so-confused teen love triangle. It also reminded me to salute Harry Potter, a true literary giant.

I started 2012 in a full working mode. And so did Blake, rolling out of bed at 8 AM and working straight into midnight, and eating hot wings in between. Occasionally, I had to take one tiny break for wedding brainstorming on his behalf. Inevitably, the exceptions swallow the rule. I ended up spending many hours experiencing modest to extreme adrenaline rush on At least I found dress and shoes for the bridesmaids. That's one remarkable accomplishment worthy of a Times Square-scale celebration in itself.
As to the wedding, things are coming together. If they are not coming together now, they will come together eventually. If they still don't come together eventually, no one will remember anyways.
For the new year, Blake got me two fitness orbs, clearly projecting that he needs an immense amount of unconscious exercise. We may have to take some pilates lessons to make our core areas look super photogenic in the wedding pictures. On the other hand, I am slightly concerned that our cores may look too good that they steal the entire show. Oops. Sorry people.
Growing up, I never even tried to picture what my wedding would be like. It is like you go search for a document under the "wedding" tab in my memory index but only to disappoint yourself with the discovery of an empty folder.
To the skeptics in me, finding someone to love is difficult enough. Everything past that is all luxury.
2012 is, by definition, more than a luxury.
It is a miracle.
Can't believe it you got hurt! How do you feel now?